But first, a little about the chickens. Originally a native of Southern Asia, they spread to other parts of the world when they were domesticated. Today, this subspecies of chicken is primarily used for meat and egg production (Gautier).
These chickens were dissected on Tuesday October 1st and originated from Cornell's poultry farm. During the dissections, numerous photographs of the chicken were taken as different parts of the body were explored. You'll find them throughout each section to help you get a better idea of how each system looks. Also, to help you understand the position of each of the parts of the body discussed, some directional terms are included following the picture below.
These chickens were dissected on Tuesday October 1st and originated from Cornell's poultry farm. During the dissections, numerous photographs of the chicken were taken as different parts of the body were explored. You'll find them throughout each section to help you get a better idea of how each system looks. Also, to help you understand the position of each of the parts of the body discussed, some directional terms are included following the picture below.
is some basic terminology that is useful when discussing the animal
of the body:
Term Meaning Cranial Toward the head Caudal Toward the tail Rostral Toward the nose Caudal Toward the tail Median plane Imaginary line dividing body in half Medial Toward to median plane Lateral Away from median plane Dorsal Toward vertebral column Ventral Away from vertebral column Superficial / External Proximity to the surface of the body Proximal Relatively close to a certain point Distal Farther from the vertebral column